Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More decisions

When you are adopting from the state you have to take a series of classes called P.R.I.D.E. After contacting the agency of 1st choice, we realized that Greg would have to take off from work 3 straight Saturdays. Through agency of 2nd choice, he would only have to take off 2 Saturdays but would need to be free 4 week nights. And I would have to skip one evening of class. Agency #1 is 30 minutes away from our house, Agency #2 is 15 minutes away. Agency #1 wants to wait until they receive our paperwork from CPS, Agency #2 has already contacted me via phone and e-mail today. Oh, and agency #2 has a policy of coming to our house to meet us prior to us starting the classes.Greg and I will have to talk tonight, then he will have to talk to his Boss. He already had some trouble getting Wednesday evenings off for church. Greg's boss, who adopted an infant 2 years ago, knows that we are planning to adopt so this won't be a surprise.

After we complete the PRIDE course we have a homestudy, which should take another month.

Agency #2 told me there was a good chance that D, G & S are probably pretty healthy mentally because they are not on a state website of available kids. She also said there is a chance we would not get them. The foster families have first choice. Then the kids will go into a pool. Because they have not made it onto the state website, they are "prime" choices for potential adopters. So if they are available before we are licensed, they go to someone else. That is where God comes in. We have to trust in His perfect timing. And if these kids go to other parents, we will continue to seek the kids He wants us to have. It's so amazing/comforting to me that God already knows who we are going to adopt. That even if I can't take care of them right now, He is in control and providing for them.

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