Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Greg is Ready for Class!

Greg showed his boss the PRIDE schedule today. It's 6 classes... 2 Saturdays and 4 evenings. That is a LOT OF missed sales appointments in April. His boss was pretty nice about it, but asked if we had to take ALL of the classes. I could tell Greg was feeling a little overwhelmed at missing that much work, especially at the end of the month. His job carries a lot of pressure. However, he is "Employee of the Week" this week and so far has made all of his sales goals. Thank you Sublett Road BC! :)

Now I need to talk to my professor.... I will have to miss a night of review as well as the final test. She does have a make up date on the syllabus. I'm going to ask my boss for the entire day off then ask my professor if I can take the test earlier in the day.

Unless of course I can just take the Saturday classes. That would be nice since I am really sweating this grammar class. I have never in my life prayed to make a C! The good(ish) news is that if I do fail the class, I can just quit my job one month earlier and retake it in July. I guess I can just find a PT job in between?

No wonder it takes people so long to go through this process! Many of the agencies I talked to said you could be licensed in as little as 2 months, which is our goal. They said it took quite a few families a year to get through all of this. That seemed a little far fetched until I realized we do have to come up with a lot of documentation and copies of EVERYTHING we've ever done in our lives!

The next step is a home visit on the 15th from the agency recruiter.

If all goes well we will start the classes on Saturday the 19th and finish on Tuesday the 29th. Lindsey is going to come to as many as she can.

Now I'm wondering how often I can call the D, G & S's caseworker to get their status... I don't want to bother her too much. Maybe I'll just call before we start the classes and ask if she can send me an e-mail or something..... it would be nice if we could put this off until June if D, G & S are adopted by someone else. By the way, I think that would be really cool. Although I might be a little disappointed, I'd probably also be relieved. Most mostly I'd be happy they were out of foster care and finally all together. After all they've been through they deserve that much.

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