Thursday, May 22, 2008


Most people are wondering where we are on getting licensed.

We have a few more things to take care of:

Greg's fingerprint results
Greg needs a physical
We have to finish filling out our 23 page, long answer applications.
Do 5 hours of supervised childcare - we're still waiting on a list of families
Turn everything in.

Once everything is done, we'll be scheduled for a homestudy.

Once the homestudy is complete, the social worker needs time to write it up. Evidently it is 20+ pages about US. Boring, I know. Once our agency approves the homestudy it goes to CPS for approval.

In the meanwhile, we're still finishing stuff around the house and trying to get a room ready for the "kids".


Another cool thing that happened...

One of the hardest things in preparing for the adoption has been giving up my office. In many ways it has been a sanctuary. When I study I need SILENCE. So I've been worried about moving our computer out into the kitchen (common family area).

Well my In-Laws bought me a laptop.


How cool is that? How cool are they? I'm going to have to post a more flattering picture of them on the blog now :)

We are going to look into getting wireless internet so I can study and write anywhere I want in the house.

Thank you Mimi and Papaw!

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