Thursday, November 6, 2008

2 Days Till the Homestudy! And updates on D,G&S

So the house is a wreck, my projects aren't done, and I still haven't studied for my test Saturday. This test costs $120 to take so I REALLY need to pass it the first time :)

I got a card from the great-grandmother of D,G&S. She says she talked to the CPS agent and the kids are still available for adoption. I don't know if this is good news or not.... my guess is that the foster parents who had the two younger kids decided they couldn't take on all three.

Unfortunately, I don't know if we can either.

I need to call the great-grandmother but I dread it. She is such a sweet lady and I know she is so heart broken about these kids. Please pray for her. In her note she said she'd asked CPS if she could see the kids, and of course their answer was "no". I would really like to know why the foster family decided against adopting all of the kids. There could be a lot of reasons, like behavior problems, personal problems, personality differences with other kids in the house, etc.

Either way, all I can concentrate on right now is getting our stuff done. Did I mention my house is a wreck? :)

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