Friday, November 21, 2008

Homestudy #2

Our social worker is coming back tomorrow at 2 pm to check the house. Greg and his Dad are child proofing our many cabinets as I type. They are almost done with the kitchen and still have two bathrooms to do. My Dad is coming to replace a bedroom door (our past dog had a run in with it) and replace a shelf in the laundry room so I can pile up all of our drugs and cleaning supplies.

The house is a total disaster.... and I am not looking forward to cleaning it.

On a brighter note, I presented and turned in my last project before Thanksgiving. OH yes, there are more projects due! However, I got to research and present a topic of my choice so I did "Motivating and Advocating Children in Foster Care". When I told the class I had chosen the topic because we were being licensed for foster care, they applauded. I certainly wasn't expecting that but it was very touching. I had a lot of class discussion and questions afterwards and I think it made an impact. A few things that I discovered in my research:

Most school officials and teachers do not see any differences between low income students and children in foster care
  • Children in foster care are more likely to fail a grade
  • Children in foster care are more likely to be disciplined
  • Children in foster care are less likely to graduate

Scary stuff. Especially when so many of them are "aging out" of the system. BTW, there were around 34,000 children in foster care in 2007.

How many can YOU take?

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