You probably won't either and I don't blame you.... oh well, you can't blame a girl for trying!
We are getting free bunkbeds from a friend of Lindsey's. They are the metal type that is twin on top and full size on the bottom. Now we just need a twin bed, 3 mattresses, bedding, and a dresser and we'll be set on kids furniture. We also need to replace a window blind my dog Annie (no longer with us) tore up and a light fixture on the ceiling fan that has always been broken. I've decided not to paint the room until we know for certain who will be staying in it. Then they can choose a color they want. I started to clean out the office (soon to be the kids' room) closet and boy do I have my work cut out for me. I asked Greg to get some of his larger stuff out of that closet and into his. When he tried to put it off, I told him, "the kids don't want YOUR crap in THEIR closet". He thought that was pretty funny. I will try to post some before and after pictures.
I picked up some board games and a few younger kid puzzles, along with a baseball and brand new baseball gloves at our church yardsale. They are so cute sitting on the closet shelf.
I am going to get fingerprinted tonight after work. Greg has an appointment for next week. We both have to go to the Dr. to get "Physician Statements" signed. Greg's going Friday, I'm going next Monday. Our to-do list is getting shorter and shorter.
A friend pointed out to me that my blog states many negative things about CPS. I agree and want to clarify this a little if I can. First, people who work for CPS do not do it for the money. I believe with all my heart that the caseworkers do love kids and want to help. However, with 100 + kids on their caseload (which should ideally be around 25), burn out is high and many begin to make desperate yet unethical decisions. In the case of many CPS workers, they are eventually up against a wall, too many kids, not enough time. Either way, CPS does end up with a bad reputation.
I do not believe that CPS is evil. I believe that many caseworkers are highly educated and in the end want the best for the kids in their care. They have rules and guidelines that I respect.
On a lighter note, I tried to convince Greg the other day that I was due a Mother's Day gift this weekend. After all, technically my kids are already out there somewhere... just not with me yet... right? Don't worry, he didn't fall for it!
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