(Revised to add: I forgot to post this after I wrote it, sorry it's late.)
Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers and soon to be Moms out there! Isn't my Momma a cutie? And yes, there is a strong family resemblance :)
Only in the last few years have I begun to understand the sacrifices my Mother made, and how she has contributed to the person I am. Because of my Mom, I grew up grounded in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and know Him as my personal Savior. Because of my Mom, I am careful with money. Because of my Mom, it never occured to me that I wouldn't go to college. Because of my Mom, I understand humility (although I struggle to live in it). Because of my Mom, l love to read. Because of my Mom, I can make spaghetti. Had it been up to my Mom, I would know how to cook something other than spaghetti - not for her lack of trying! I could go on and on.
Thank you, Mom, for putting up with me: my ingratitude, smart mouth, harsh words, selfish nature, know-it-all & bossy personality. Thank you for the hugs and kisses, support and for always believing that I could accomplish anything. Thank you for listening to me sing and sing and sing for hours until you thought your ears would bleed. Thank you for watching me cheer through football games when I know you would have loved to be anywhere else.
Thank you for encouraging Greg and I through the adoption process. Thank you for being excited about your future Grandkids.
You've been an wonderful Mother - I know you'll be an incredible Grandmother.
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