Friday, April 2, 2010

New Babies

We have a 6 year old boy and his 6 month old sister with us now. They came to us late in February. Yes, I know, I really stink at blogging.

GREAT kids. Easy baby, smart and easy going 6 year old boy. We feel like our cup is overflowing....

except when I think about them leaving. Unfortunately the thought occurs to me - and is constantly brought up by others. "Don't you get attached?" or "I just don't know how you do it!". Me either - only by the grace of God.

One of the hardest parts of being a foster parent is praying the right way. I constantly struggle with praying for God's will, versus my will (which is where the kids stay with me!).

I know God is faithful, but I do wonder how much more of this I can take. The thought of losing these guys makes me sick. It boils down to whether or not I can put ME aside and just do the best for them.

In the meanwhile, I think I will just enjoy them while I have them.

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