Thursday, February 12, 2009

About being on "The List"

I called our agency today to find out where we stood on "The List".

I still don't completely understand, but the girl I talked to said we were still up for the next call, but that placements are down (which is both a blessing and potentially scary). She also said that they get more calls for sibling groups of three and more, which we are not accepting.

Either way, my phone stays on vibrate in my pocket at all times! Fortunately I am staying busy student teaching so I am not "dwelling".

On a brighter note, it looks like my graduation date is May 16th. Party at my house! Woohoo!

Friday, February 6, 2009

I found this on my friend Rachel's blog. Read her story here.

The poem was written by Chris Malone, an adoptive dad who is about to travel.

I Wonder

I wonder...when it was 10 days before I met God and He adopted me, was HE this excited?

I wonder if His stomach did flips and He got tears in His eyes when He thought about holding me for the first time.

I wonder if His heart ached when He thought about my life without Him as my Daddy.

I wonder if it grieved Him to know that I was living as an orphan andhad no hope of a future without Him.

I wonder if He was as okay with paying my ransom as I am with paying our boys'.

I wonder if, for Him, there was no cost too high, no sacrifice too great.

I wonder...

We got a call today, but...

we weren't picked.

I happened to glance down at my phone during one of my classes, and saw a familiar phone number on the caller ID. I went out in the hall to check my voicemail, and it was our agency.
The message said they had a boy, almost 2, whose mother was surrendering him. The mother thought that the little boy, who is non-verbal, might be autistic, and can't meet his needs. The message also said that I needed to call back in 15 minutes.

I did, and accepted the placement. If only it were that easy :) At that point, the agency sends our information to CPS (along with every other agency in the area). 5 hours later, our agency called to say we had not be chosen. The little boy was in a county about an hour from us, and a family from his area had been choosen.

Talk about a roller coaster ride. I kept my phone on vibrate in my pocket all day, thinking about getting that call. I'm beginning to understand that the wait has only begun.

I was a little surprised at how emotional I was when we got the call. Another teacher in our school has adopted three children through foster care, so I went down to tell him the news and started to cry a little. Fortunately he understood. It just became so real.

And so we'll wait for the next call - and God's perfect timing.