*Prayer Request* Our homestudy has been moved up to November 8Th. This is the same day I have a huge exam in the morning. I also have a big project due on the 11Th. The caseworker will be here at 11 a.m. I hope to be out of my exam by noon. She is going to interview Greg first and then us together when I get home. Lindsey has to work that Saturday (highly unusual) but if she is not home in time, the caseworker will reschedule with her. I was hoping they would just move the homestudy to the 22ND or 29Th, but they want to take care of it now.
No pressure! This gal will be watching NO TV, dragging her husband away from the TV, and staying very busy for the next two weeks!
**Blessing**Just as I was wondering how we were going to pay for extra stuff for the house to get ready for the homestudy, I got a check in the mail from my Aunt. It was perfect timing and couldn't be needed more right now. Thank you Lord for the faithful who allow themselves to be used by you! What an incredible, humbling and encouraging experience. Thank you Auntie!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Homestudy Scheduled
November 15Th.
No big deal, I only have a mid-term, one major project and my content exit exam before then :)
Holy Smokes....
Our caseworker seems nice (as far as I can tell through e-mail). I just hope we can get the house ready before then!
I think we are bending toward getting the kids now. Again, the argument is: why would getting kids during my Residency (when I am still under the help and supervision of a mentor teacher) be any more difficult than my first year of teaching (on my own and from what I hear, very stressful)?
Or, if we're going for a "stress-free" time to adopt, we could just wait until AFTER my first year of teaching... no big deal, just another year and a half of waiting, right?
I don't think so! Keep in mind that it wouldn't just be us waiting, but our kids sitting in foster care, waiting for us.
Greg is getting older (he says so himself) and will be 40 before we know it. We are both ready and want kids. Having and raising them is stressful no matter when, so why not do it now?
However accepting any placements will not happen until Greg has a full-time job.
Did anyone watch 20/20 last night? There was a very disturbing story about a family who was in the process of adopting a little boy from foster care when he died of salt poisoning. The Mom was convicted of capital murder and given a life sentence. You can read more here. There is also a link on the website to the 20/20 special. Please pray for this Texas family, especially for the Dad who is home with their remaining five children.
No big deal, I only have a mid-term, one major project and my content exit exam before then :)
Holy Smokes....
Our caseworker seems nice (as far as I can tell through e-mail). I just hope we can get the house ready before then!
I think we are bending toward getting the kids now. Again, the argument is: why would getting kids during my Residency (when I am still under the help and supervision of a mentor teacher) be any more difficult than my first year of teaching (on my own and from what I hear, very stressful)?
Or, if we're going for a "stress-free" time to adopt, we could just wait until AFTER my first year of teaching... no big deal, just another year and a half of waiting, right?
I don't think so! Keep in mind that it wouldn't just be us waiting, but our kids sitting in foster care, waiting for us.
Greg is getting older (he says so himself) and will be 40 before we know it. We are both ready and want kids. Having and raising them is stressful no matter when, so why not do it now?
However accepting any placements will not happen until Greg has a full-time job.
Did anyone watch 20/20 last night? There was a very disturbing story about a family who was in the process of adopting a little boy from foster care when he died of salt poisoning. The Mom was convicted of capital murder and given a life sentence. You can read more here. There is also a link on the website to the 20/20 special. Please pray for this Texas family, especially for the Dad who is home with their remaining five children.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
It's Home Study Time!
When we turned in our paperwork we were told the agency recruiter would not be back from her cruise. So we assumed our file would not be finalized until she came back.
I got a call from a nice lady named Becky who informed me of a few things we were missing from our file and our car insurance form had expired. I e-mailed everything to her, and she wrote back that our status was now "home study ready". So we could get a call at any time.
I really thought we wouldn't have to worry about a home study until late November or December. Don't ask me why....
Now I'm freaking out because we have a ton of things to do before our house is ready to be inspected. We need to child proof the place, replace a door, finish our molding in the living room, take down the ceiling fan in the kids' room and put up a new light fixture, get bedding, put locks on tons of doors and a few million other things that I can't think of right now.
Oh yeah, and I have tests and other school work to worry about as well :)
Greg is still looking for a job. The pool business is almost officially dead so he is ramping up for a serious job hunt. Please pray for him in this area. It would be really great if he found something before the home study.
But God is good, and He provides. And when it's all said and done, we are ready to be "Mom and Dad"!
I got a call from a nice lady named Becky who informed me of a few things we were missing from our file and our car insurance form had expired. I e-mailed everything to her, and she wrote back that our status was now "home study ready". So we could get a call at any time.
I really thought we wouldn't have to worry about a home study until late November or December. Don't ask me why....
Now I'm freaking out because we have a ton of things to do before our house is ready to be inspected. We need to child proof the place, replace a door, finish our molding in the living room, take down the ceiling fan in the kids' room and put up a new light fixture, get bedding, put locks on tons of doors and a few million other things that I can't think of right now.
Oh yeah, and I have tests and other school work to worry about as well :)
Greg is still looking for a job. The pool business is almost officially dead so he is ramping up for a serious job hunt. Please pray for him in this area. It would be really great if he found something before the home study.
But God is good, and He provides. And when it's all said and done, we are ready to be "Mom and Dad"!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Paperwork Completed and Turned In
Whew! We dropped our paperwork off at the agency today. Of course the recruiter is on a cruise until the 24Th so it will just sit on her desk until she gets back. That's okay though.
So maybe we'll have a home study in November and total approval in December or January. We are still debating on whether to accept placements while I am doing my student teaching. Honestly though, I can't imagine my residency will be any more difficult than my first year of teaching, so why put it off?
Now we need to prepare for the home study. We have a lot to get done on the house.
I was substitute teaching in a local elementary school when I came in contact with a 2nd grader there who is a foster child. He was very sweet to all of the special ed kids I was taking care of. However within 10 minutes the principal "set him off" and he threw a trash can at the principal. I have a feeling our life is going to be very interesting once we have a placement!
So maybe we'll have a home study in November and total approval in December or January. We are still debating on whether to accept placements while I am doing my student teaching. Honestly though, I can't imagine my residency will be any more difficult than my first year of teaching, so why put it off?
Now we need to prepare for the home study. We have a lot to get done on the house.
I was substitute teaching in a local elementary school when I came in contact with a 2nd grader there who is a foster child. He was very sweet to all of the special ed kids I was taking care of. However within 10 minutes the principal "set him off" and he threw a trash can at the principal. I have a feeling our life is going to be very interesting once we have a placement!
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